I can't say how grateful I feel for have been invited to judge at the Inter-Club Grand Challenge Match 2016. The judge must be kept in secret so I couldn't say nothing at all to anybody. Only 3 more people knew that it was me, Rachel Olive, Catherine Bannister and now I can't remember who else. Neither Chris Vincent who had to pick me at the airport knew it!! And oh my God, we did an excellent job. I was a total surprise till I appeared in the show ring with my rosette saying Judge!! This show is done every 3 years between the 4 clubs in Great Britain. Each Club sends maximum 16 dogs to represent them. Once there they have to enter in the ring by classes and in pairs and the judge has to pick one, and so on. Till we have the winner of each class Puppy, Yearling, Open, Champion and Veteran and the judge picks the Best in Match and then Reserve in Match. A little gift for all the people at the event. Typical Spanish sweets for Christmas, turrones and mantecados y polvorones.
The show ring The raffle
The welfare trust of RR, I bought some items so the money can help some RR in nood.
Prizes Judging Me, while I was eating Best in Match - Ch.Sofala Golden Glow Reserve In Match - Ch.Sonstraal Chocolate Storm Best Puppy in Match - Hesslewell Hearthrob Best in the catwalk Best in the catwalk Nice decoration of the tables
Shopping Ridgebacks items
My gift for judging. THANKS! Having dinner, ladies it was a pleasure to share this time with you. Everything was in a happy and friendly environment. Happy faces, smiles and good Ridgebacks, I really really enjoyed. BIG THANKS TO RRCGB to have given me the opportunity to judge your lovely event. |